The Lottery
I will start with the first thing you get each day the daily lottery, the daily lottery is a way to help people earn money easily, each day at midnight (Greenwich time) you will get your daily lottery, from it you can get:

50 Coins
100 Coins
500 Coins
1000 Coins

Coins are the currency of pet society, when you start the game you will start with 2500 coins, maybe you think that´s alot, but after sometime it will seem like nothing, but don´t worry there are alot of ways to get coins, I will post some here:

Trees: If you pass in front of the trees some will give 1 coin, this is a really easy way to get coins (if you dont have a slow computer).

Friends: If you visit your friends you will recived coins, but the more you visit the less you will get, here´s how it works:

For the first 50 friends you visit, you will get 20 coins (1000 coins all)
For the next 25 you will get 10 coins (250 coins all)
And for your 76 friend and so on you will get 5 coins

Note: The friends you visit resets each day

The Stadium: In the stadium there are 2 ways of getting coins:

1. Racing: You are allow to race 10 times a day for each race you win you will get 30 coins.
2. Betting: You will the the double of what you bet, so if you bet 5 coins and you win you will get 10 coins, you can bet as many time as you wish per day, but the max you can bet per race are 500 coins, meaning that the max you can get per race are 1000 coins (later on i will post more about the stadium).

Washing and feeding Pets: Sometimes when you wash or groom your or some friends pet you will get coins, each time you get they will come by 2, the same with food each time you feed a pet you will get 2 coins.

Note: There are other ways like purchasing and selling, but we will speak of them later.

The Shops
In Pet Society there are 8 different Shops:

Luxury: The luxury store is owned by Felicity “the queen of gossip”, if you want to live the life of the V.I.P (very important pets) then this is your place, here you will find all that juicy stuff, from the finest clothes to the most exclusive furniture, but just remember that eveophis store will cost from 50 coins to 2499 coins.

Clothes: Lily is just not only a pretty face, thanks to her the word fashion is heard in the town, she have all the clothes you need from demin jeans to silk kimonos, same here all will cost you less than 2500 coins.

D.I.Y. Do It Yourself: Even though Grumble is not the happiest pet in the town, he will be always happy to help you find the perfect flooring and wallpapers for your house, here you will also find toilets, bathtubs, windows, doors, and so much more, all will cost you from 30 coins to 2499 coins.

Gadget: *buzz* E.M.I.L.I.A *buzz* is the owner of the gadget store, here you will find all the electronics and lamps you will need for your house, all here will cost less than 2500 coins.

Café: Thanks to Perry the town´s social life is growing, he is the owner of the café and also he makes the most delicious coffee in all town, here you can purchase some stuff like cups and mug, and also you can meet new friends here.

Mystery: Nobody know nothing about “?” except he runs the mystery shop, here you will find the infamous mystery boxes and the toy eggs.

Food: Truffles is the responsable of the diet of the pets, he will sell your pet froms the healthiest fruits to gourmet pizzas.

Bank: The bank not being an item shop, it is the place where you can purchase coins with real money.

The Pet Society Coins Formulas

Here I will talk about all the formulas:

The selling price: If you sell something back to the shop you will get 1/3 for it example:

Lucky rug: it cost 3000 coins
3000/3=1000, but you will get 999 coins
Retro radio: it cost 600 coins

Eco points: To get eco points you will need to recycle your items, you will get 2 times the shop prize of that item, example:

If you recycle a lucky rug, it cost 3000 coins
3000 coins x 2 = 6000 eco points

The ecopoint can be exchanged for eco boxes, each box will give you an unique item, there are 3 types of boxes:

The small eco box costs 10000 ecopoints (5000 coins)
The medium eco box costs 20000 ecopoints (10000 coins)
The large eco box costs 30000 ecopoints (15000 coins)

1- You will get 2 times what you bet:

10 coins x 2 = 20 coins

2-You will have 33% of chance of winning, because the there are 3 pets competing, so thre will be 2 against your pet.

100% / 3 pets = 33.33%

Food: Each time you feed a pet you will get 2 coins, it doesnt matter what kind of food you give them.

Washing and Grooming: Sometimes when you wash a pet you will get 2 coins each time the + hygine or the + happiness appear, this will not always happen it´s totally random.

Poo: To make your pet poop, it has to have high health and happiness and low hygene, if your pet poops you can get a poo, a golden poo or a rainbow poo.
If you click the poo you will get coins according to its type:

Poo = 1 coin or 8 ecopoints
Golden Poo = 10 coins or 60 ecopoints
Rainbow Poo =

Paw Points
Paw points work as your score, the higher you get them the more rewards you will get, after you get some paw points you will level up, here are all the levels.

Level 1 - 0 - Getting Started - N/A
Level 2 - 20 - New Arrival - Basic Ball
Level 3 - 50 - Learner - Basic Frisbee
Level 4 - 100 - Playful Pet - Basic Skipping Rope
Level 5 - 250 - Fresh Face - Bigger House with two rooms, Portable TV
Level 6 - 500 - Promising Prospect - Better Soap
Level 7 - 750 - One To Watch - Better Ball
Level 8 - 1,000 - Growing Talent - Better Brush
Level 9 - 1,500 - High Achiever - Better Frisbee
Level 10 - 2,000 - Popular Pet - Better Skipping Rope
Level 11 - 2,500 - Influential Pet - Bigger House with three rooms, Digital TV
Level 12 - 3,000 - Rising Star - Super Soap
Level 13 - 3,500 - Established Presence - Super Ball
Level 14 - 4,000 - Society Stalwart - Super Brush
Level 15 - 4,500 - Famous Pet - Super Frisbee
Level 16 - 5,000 - Media Darling - Super Skipping Rope
Level 17 - 6,000 - High Profile Pet - Bigger House with four rooms, Plasma TV
Level 18 - 7,000 - VIP Pet - Lovely Soap
Level 19 - 8,000 - Celebrity Pet - Golden Ball
Level 20 - 9,000 - It Pet - Golden Brush
Level 21 - 10,000 - A-List Pet - Golden Frisbee
Level 22 - 11,000 - Renowned Pet - Golden Skipping Rope
Level 23 - 12,000 - Superstar Pet - Bigger House with five rooms
Level 24 - 14,000 - Hollywood Pet - Aqua Soap
Level 25 - 18,000 - Megastar Pet - Pro Ball
Level 26 - 24,000 - Platinum Pet - Crystal Brush
Level 27 - 32,000 - Uberstar Pet - Star Frisbee
Level 28 - 42,000 - Ultimate Achiever - Expert Skipping Rope
Level 29 - 54,000 - Superb Pet - Bigger House with six rooms
Level 30 - 68,000 - Heroic Pet - Golden Star Soap
Level 31 - 84,000 - Royal Pet - Crystal Ball
Level 32 - 102,000 - Historic Pet - Ruby Brush
Level 33 - 122,000 - Super Pet - Gem Frisbee
Level 34 - 144,000 - All-Time Great - Star Skipping Rope
Level 35 - 166,000 - Ultimate Pet - Bigger House with seven rooms
Level 36 - 188,000 - Ruby Renowned Pet - Heart Soap
Level 37 - 210,000 - Ruby Superstar Pet - Ruby Ball
Level 38 - 232,000 - Ruby Hollywood Pet - Sapphire Brush
Level 39 - 254,000 - Ruby Megastar Pet - Sapphire Frisbee
Level 40 - 276,000 - Ruby Platinum Pet - Ruby Skipping Rope
Level 41 - 298,000 - Ruby Uberstar Pet - Bigger House with eight rooms
Level 42 - 310,000 - Ruby Ultimate Achiever Pet - Sapphire Heart Soap
Level 43 - 332,000 - Ruby Superb Pet - Sapphire Ball
Level 44 - 354,000 - Ruby Heroic Pet - Rainbow Brush
Level 45 - 376,000 - Ruby Royal Pet - Rainbow Frisbee
Level 46 - 398,000 - Ruby Historic Pet - Sapphire Skipping Rope
Level 47 - 420,000 - Ruby Super Pet - Bigger House with nine rooms

Note: Also each level up you will get 100 coins.

How do I get Paw Points?
There are many ways to get paw points I will post some:

1. Visiting Friends
You will get 5 paw points for each friend you visit

2. Gift Items
You will get some paw points depending on the item, you can get from 1 to 100 paw points

3. Feeding Pets
Normally you will get 17 paw points for each time you feed a pet, but sometimes you can get less.

4. Washing and Grooming
The number of pet points you will get depends on how dirty or un happy was the pet (The less I ever had was 3 paw points the max I ever had was 31 paw points)

5. Racing, Practice and Betting
You will get from 20 paw point to 5 paw points depending on the place you finish:

1st place = 20 paw points
2nd place = 10 paw points
3rd place = 5 paw points

6. Playing with your pet
You can throw the ball or the Frisbee or skip the rope, depending on how many jumps or passes you do, you will get paw points, the more you do the more points you get.

7. Purchasing Items
You can get 1 to 100 paw points depending on which item you purchase.
Note you will not get paw points if you sell the items back to the store.

8. Recycling
Again depending in what you recycle you will get more or less paw points, you can get from 1 to 100 paw points.

RMB, PM, WTB, FB, BUMP...What's That?

Sometime when you are reading a thread you find words like “LOL”“GMB” “BUMP”, well here are some definitions to help you understand these words:

RMB : Red mystery box
BMB : Blue Mystery box
GMB : Gold Mystery box
NIS : Not in Store
IS : In Store
RARE : An item that is not in stores
Juke : Jukebox
Old Juke : The not in store jukebox
Lip : Lip Couch
Old Lip : The not in store lip couch
BUMP : Bring My Post Up
WTS : Want to sell
WTB : Want to purchase
1k : K means 1000 so 2k : 2000, 34k : 34000
FYI : For your information
LOL : Laughing out loud
999 Items : Means an item that if it is sold back to the store you will get 999 coins (Purchased for 3,000 coins)
4999 Items : Means an item that if it is sold back to the store you will get 4999 coins (Purchased for 15,000 coins)
TWS or OTW : This week special or this week only, means an item that only will be in stores for a week
EA : Each
PM : Personal message
VM : Visitor message
FB : Facebook
MS : Myspace
FR : Friend Request

Drugs are far away of being an addiction in the town, Mystery boxes not!

What is a Mystery Box?
A mystery box as its name says its a box that contains a mystery items,some being in store items, but others being only obtainable through mystery boxes.

Here are the types of mystery boxes:
Red mystery boxes (50 coins each): You can get items that cost from 50 coins from 200 coins.
Blue Mystery Boxes (200 coins each): You can get items that cost from 200 coins to 1000 coins.
Gold Mystery Boxes (500 coins each): You can get items that cost from 500 coins to 3000 coins.

Are There any other type of mystery boxes?
Yes there are 2 other:
The mystery toy eggs (350 coins each):Inside them you can find 1 of the 15 special toys.
The chocolate eggs (250 coins each): these are easter special items, inside them you will find three baby animal toys, 1 per egg. (These are now rares and no longer available in the stores)

Why they are so addictive?
As i said before because some items only are able inside the boxes, every friday new items appear and all people try to get them, here is where the word “addictive” enters, some people will pay alot of money to get them.

Why do I see people paying with them instead of coins?
Because in the forum the people use other items as currencies like old jukebokes, 999 items or mystery boxes.


In pet society there are 14 different trophies each in 3 different versions (bronze,silver, and gold) making a total of 42 trophies.

Note: You will get 50 coins when you get a bronze trophy, 100 if you get a silver one, and 150 for the gold one,

Here they are:

Visiting friends
Pet About Town (Bronze) : Visit 25 friends
Vizer of Visits (Silver) : Visit 100 friends
Social Whirlwind (Gold) : Visit 300 friends

This you will get it with the time, if you want to get it faster you can visit your friends multiple times a day.

Throwing the ball
Playing Softball (Bronze) : Pass the ball 15 time in a row
Playing Hardball (Silver) : Pass the ball 30 time in a row
Pro Baller (Gold) : Pass the ball 50 time in a row
Play with the frisbee
Safe Hands (Bronze) : Catch the frisbee 10 times in a row
Kaiser of Catch (Silver) : Catch the frisbee 25 times in a row
Ultimate Frisbee Player (Gold) : Catch the frisbee 40 times in a row
Jump the Rope
Roped In (Bronze) : Jump the rope 20 times in a row
Junior Jumper (Silver) : Jump the rope 50 times in a row
Skipping Superstar (Gold) : Jump the rope 100 times in a row

Practice and more practice, there is not an easy way for this one, except you have a slow computer it will be easier.

Spend Your Money
Window Shopper (Bronze) : Spend 500 coins in shops
Mall Rat (Silver) : Spend 3000 coins in shop
Big Spender (Gold) : Spend 10000 coins in shops

This is really easy just purchase the stuff you want and you will get it, it doesn´t matter which shop you spend your money.


Cap Collector (Bronze) : Purchase 3 hats
Head Honcho (Silver) : Purchase 10 hats
Mad Hatter (Gold) : Purchase 30 hats

Shirt Collector (Bronze) : Purchase 3 shirts or dresses
Shirt Lover (Silver) : Purchase 10 shirts or dresses
Shirt Afficionado (Gold) : Purchase 30 shirts or dresses

Trouser Browser (Bronze) : Purchase 3 pairs of legwear
Racks of Slacks (Silver) : Purchase 10 pairs of legwear
Chino Supremo (Gold) : Purchase 30 pairs of legwear

Shoe Collector (Bronze) : Purchase 3 pairs of shoes
Boot Bvyer (Silver) : Purchase 10 pairs of shoes
Footwear Fetish (Gold) : Purchase 30 pairs of shoes

Arm Accessories
Arms Race (Bronze) : Purchase 3 arm accessories
Tangles of Bangles (Silver) : Purchase 10 arm accessories
King of Bling (Gold) : Purchase 30 arm accessories

Purchase what you liked and after some time you will get them.

If you can´t wait then just purchase 30 of the cheapest in each category.

Gifts and More Gifts
Generous Gifter (Bronze) : Send 5 gifts
Selfless Sender (Silver) : Send 25 gifts
Santa Claus (Gold) : Send 50 gifts

To give is better than recieve, just send gift to your friend or do trade, you may get something back also.

Hedge Hopper (Bronze) : Win 10 races
Rooster Booster (Silver) : Win 100 races
Jet Jumper (Gold) : Win 250 races

You are allow to race 10 times a day, meaning that if you dont lose any race you will need 25 days to get the throphy, in the meantimepractice to make sure you don´t need 100 days.

Begginer´s Luck (Bronze) : Bet on the winning pet 10 times
Better Better (Silver) : Bet on the winning pet 100 times
Lucky Star (Gold) : Bet on the winning pet 300 times

This is the hardest to get in my opinion, just bet 5 coins in one pet until you get the gold throphy.

Go Green
Eco Counscious (Bronze) : Earn 5000 ecopoints
Environmentalist (Silver) : Earn 20000 ecopoints
Eco Warrior (Gold) : Earn 100000 ecopints

Just recycle items you dont want anymore, you will need to recycle 50000 coins to get the gold trophy