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Mr Appleblossom - Garden Store Owner

Mrs. Appleblossom's arrival in the town usurps Mr. Shuttleworth as eldest resident of Pet Society by some margin. It was Lily who finally persuaded Mrs. Appleblossom to set up a gardening store in Pet Society over tea in Mrs. Appleblossom's colourful garden. They first became friends during a particularly disasterous knitting class, where they spent 3 months knitting the same sweater. Not just the same style, or the same colour, but the exact same sweater. They were each knitting a side without realising the other was knitting the other. Unfortunately neither Lily's brother nor Mrs. Appleblossom's nephew had four arms nor two heads so they had to throw the sweater away, which was a waste of a lot of good wool but the start of a great friendship.

Unlike Lily though, Mrs. Appleblossom soon realised that knitting really wasn't for her and decided instead to try her hand at gardening. She quickly found that she was far more comfortable with a pair of gardening shears in her hands than knitting needles. In fact before long not only did she have the most perfect and sweet garden in the neighbourhood but a little time each day in every garden down the street made sure all her neighbours did too.

And so it was Lily who suggested to Mrs. Appleblossom that her skills might be appreciated in Pet Society, whose residents had only recently come by gardens of their own. So do drop by and see Mrs. Appleblossom, she's always happy to provide tools and useful advice on anything from the correct time of year to plant sweetpeas to the best way to water rhubarb. Anything, apart from knitting.