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Lily - Clothes Store Owner

Felicity's long suffering best friend Lily's passion for knitting far outweighs her talent, but that has never stopped her from attempting the most spectacular feats of craft the village has ever seen.

For instance her recent attempt to create the world's largest knitted Mystery Box ended catastrophically when she tragically forgot to give the box any corners. In a moment of rare inspiration the Mayor suggested that the failed Mystery Box be put forward as the world's largest scarf instead.

After a lengthy launch ceremony the Mayor invited press and photographers to record the historic occasion of the village becoming the proud owner of the world's largest scarf. Unfortunately a thread from the scarf became attached to the mayor's shirt button and by the time he realized his mistake he'd been driven home and the scarf had been entirely unraveled.

Undeterred Lily has pledged to knit an even longer scarf, on the condition that the Mayor keeps a safe distance from it at all times.