Opening Multipule Mystery Boxes
Unlike other items in Pet Society you can double click on the GMB's in your chest and they automaticly appear in your room, that mean no more clicking and dragging into the room! This works for RMB's and BMB's too!

Change the contents of a Mystery Box

This is a bit more tricky to do. Follow these steps to never over spend on mystery boxes again (please note that this can be time consuming!).

How to work around the GMB glitch fix in Pet Society:

1. Log in. While in your pet's house, go to "Tools" and Click "Work Offline"
2. Go the Mystery Shop & purchase a Mystery Box.
3. Go home & open your box.
4. If you like the item inside the box, go to "Tools" again and Click "Work Offline" to turn it off. Now "Save". (Remember to be ONLINE when you save or sell your item).
5. If you don't like your item, hit "F5" (to refresh). A pop-up box will appear - click "Stay Offline".
6. When the page turns white, click "Connect".

Now repeat Step 1. Sounds like a lot of fuss but once you get in a routine it's easy!

Ensure your Trees are Producing lots of Fruit!
You may find your tree has stopped producing as much fruit as it used to, this "Barren Tree Syndrome" can be caused by putting furniture in your garden. Simple to fix this, remove any furniture/shelves/toys or anything from underneath your trees. Give it a day or so, your trees should now start producing plentiful fruit!

Refresh Without Reloading!

Thanks to Lazar for this tip!

When you trade,and send your items to a trader,you don`t have to refresh the page to get the payment! Just go to the bank! When you go to the bank,the game is automatically refreshed,and you will receive a message letter in the upper right hand side corner! Then go to your house,and the gift(s) will be there!

Visit Friends & Earn Coins Faster!

Thanks to Zoonie for this tip!

Visit your friends list "back to front" in theory. Go to the very end of the list of friends in PS and start visiting your friends who are on Pet Society less than others, these users tend to have less furniture etc.. in their house which will make your visit quick. So visit active members who have less Paw Points first, this means you can get round more pets and earn coins faster and get maximum profit!!


Open Mystery Boxes/Presents Faster!

Thanks to Zoonie for this tip!

If you have been "Gift Bombed" or just have a lot of Mystery Boxes/Presents to open then do this to save time:

1. Pull all Mystery Boxes to the room (if its presents they will already be there).

2. Open the Mystery Box/Present when it tells you what you got click on the tick.

3. Your pet starts dancing now, if you click the chest and click it again to exit his dance stops and you can get on with opening the next one, it might be seconds but they add up.